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Not Sure Whether You Should Repair or Replace? We Can Help!

Having trouble with your furnace, and not quite sure if you need a simple repair or a full-on replacement? That simply won’t do! With winter coming up quite quickly, it won’t be long before you’ll be depending on your heating system to get you through our surprisingly frigid nights. But don’t worry too much. The certified HVAC team at Greens Energy Services has you covered!

Choosing whether to repair or replace is a conversation we’ve had with many, many Orlando homeowners. And we’re proud to say we always bring you the best heating service to suit your specific needs. We’ve made top-tier service our mission for over 60 years, and our experts are more than glad to provide the answers you’ve been looking for.

Looking for furnace services that are guaranteed to bring you the comfort and quality service you need most? Contact Greens Energy Services today!

When Should I Repair?

Repair is usually the go-to option when you’re having furnace troubles. Why? Because it tends to be quicker, less costly, and much of the time, it’s simply all you need. No sense in replacing a perfectly good system! You should call in for furnace repair if:

  • You’re having problems with air flow. Weak, poor, or nonexistent air flow is a pretty common furnace problem that can have a lot of causes. The good news is that most of them are quick and easy fixes in the hands of a professional.  
  • Your furnace is leaving “cold spots” in your home. Got some spots in the home that aren’t quite getting warm? This is most often caused by a system that is cycling too frequently; usually a thermostat issue or a problem with your filter/air flow.  
  • There’s a slight fluctuation in your heating costs. Assuming you’re using your furnace equally throughout the entirely of winter, your costs should generally remain the same, right? If they aren’t, repair could set things straight.
  • Your furnace is making odd sounds. Odd sounds are usually loose or damaged components, and more often than not repair is the perfect solution. Dso keep in mind though that damaged parts can severely harm your system if left alone too long, so get those repairs fast, or you’ll definitely be needing a replacement!
  • There are funky smells coming from your furnace system. A couple minutes of musty, dusty odor is normal when your system first kicks on. Particularly if you use it sporadically, or you’re just turning it on for the first time this season. But if the smell persists, it’s time to call in the professionals for some repair.

When Is Replacement Best?

You might think that repair is always the preferred option as a furnace solution. And you’d be right a lot of the time. But sometimes a timely replacement is not only faster, but cheaper, too! It’s a good idea to replace when:

  • Repair isn’t cutting it. Calling in for a single repair is usually cheaper, sure. But if you find yourself needing repair yearly, twice a year, or more, the cost of repair is going to quickly far outweigh replacing.
  • Your energy costs are getting too high. A slight hike in monthly costs usually indicates an issue that needs repair. But if your bill is fifteen, twenty percent higher than it used to be, odds are your system is simply wearing out, and a replacement is your safest bet.
  • The repair you need is too costly. It happens with most large investment tools. Cars, for instance. There are some types of repair that will just cost entirely too much. In these cases, it’s a good idea to speak with your HVAC specialist about the possibility of replacement. Weigh your options, and see which works best for your needs!

Whether you need to repair or replace your Orlando home’s furnace, Greens Energy Services is the company to know. Contact us today!

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“Love Greens!!! We had a few different companies and quotes come to our home prior to bringing in Greens Energy. The difference was unbelievable, Jason (one of the technicians), arrived…” - John
“Wonderful same-day service! The tech, George, who came out was very knowledgeable, friendly and efficient. I couldn't have asked for better service. They had my AC working properly within 2…” - Pamela
“The technician Winston was great to work with. Recognized the machine was under warranty before replacing parts on the unit. Solved the problem efficiently and effectively.” - Cindy
“"I wanted to thank you for you and your crews professionalism. My daughter said the crew was outstanding . I had just about given up hope for ever having air…” - Dee Schwartz
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